Friday, April 28, 2017

Non Duality Teachers

What is non duality Teachers?

The path of Awakening Mind is based on the one truth that only God is real and the duality of the world is false. This essential answer to the question of what is duality? is conveyed in both Advaita Vedanta and in A Course in Miracles with no contradiction, although the words sometimes differ.

Let us dive deeply into the mind until it is apparent that peace of mind is available to us this very instant. We want to take a close look at all the false beliefs, presently held dear, that obstruct the awareness of True Self and God. We want to raise these false beliefs to the light and trace them back to their false cause—the belief in separation from God.

The feeling of restlessness is related to choices that seem varied and complex. Can you see that, if this is the case, you must believe that there are real future choices to make? What are these personal choices between? Aren’t they perceived to be between options or alternatives within a dualistic world? Aren’t they seen to be between two or more specific things? That’s inherent in this concept of choice, isn’t it? Now, what is the commonality of the choices in the world, the personal choices that we are describing? They are always choices between forms and specifics. Choice rests on the belief in a dualistic, linear, time-space world of opposites, including past/future, does it not?

So it comes down to this: the whole idea of choice between specifics must rest on the concept of linear time, as contrasted with simultaneous time—Now! Heaven is Eternal Oneness and has nothing to do with choice, since there is nothing to choose between in Oneness. One must see choice where it has meaning as a learning device, at the mind level, before there can be remembrance of choice less Oneness. Just beyond all the things you think you have to do lies one simple choice. All you have to do is make one decision for peace! Really it’s not even a decision; it’s just an acceptance. What we want to look at is everything that seems to stand in the way of this acceptance. It’s that simple.

To continue reading and have access to a profound audio discussion of these principles, click here.  You may also enjoy the video below in which David Hoffmeister is interviewed about his teachings.